Hyderabad, April 6th, 2024: Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, the BJP candidate for Chevella Parliamentary constituency, addressing public during his campaign in Mominpet mandal, Vikarabad, said, BJP is receiving massive support in Chevella, there are several who are coming forward to join BJP and strengthen the hands of Modi. Especially women and youth are wanting to join in large numbers, in every village I am visiting as part of my Praja Ashirwada Yatra. We had a thousand people joining here, today itself. There is groundswell of support for Modi and its growing by the day.
During the Congress rule in centre, the funds allocation for various schemes were a mere propaganda, as the beneficiaries received less than 50% of the money meant for them. When Rajiv Gandhi was the prime minister, he reiterated this fact. This was because of massive corruption, the money intended for the poor hardly reached them, a major portion of it was siphoned off by the corrupt politicians, today every paisa Modi allocates reaches the intended beneficiary. This is possible because, Modi made every beneficiary to open a bank account first and the entire amount each beneficiary is eligible for, gets deposited in his bank account. Generally the public doesn’t trust politicians, but Modi is one person they have full faith in, because they are seeing every promise of his being fulfilled by him.
Congress has a legacy of false promises and in Telangana too they are continuing tp make false promises, despite knowing that the state coffers are empty. Congress promised to raise the pension to Rs 4000/-, while they are in no position to give the existing pension amount, pension is one of their six guarantees. They promised Rs 2 lakh loan waver, even after 100 days rule they didn’t wave even 2 paise loan amount. For women they promised Rs 2500, which didn’t happen, they promised to raise Rythu bandhu money, but even what is due hasn’t been transferred to farmers. Hand is the symbol of Congress party, that hand has turned into a symbol of slap for the poor, those 6 guarantees are turning out to be six guaranteed slaps for the people. People are no more willing to vote for this slap symbol, they want to vote for the lotus flower symbol. Villagers are remembering the work I have done in the past through MPLADS and from my own funds, for which they are expressing gratitude, they want me to continue that good work and by becoming Chevella MP again.